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How do I connect and manage WorkerB Team Alerts?
How to connect and manage slack notifications. Slack notifications allows your teams to receive delivery and quality risk events in real time directly to a dedicated slack channel and take action imm…

What are WorkerB Team Alerts?
WorkerB Team Alerts send real-time delivery and quality risk alerts directly to a dedicated Slack channel so that dev teams can take action immediately. Team Alerts are configured on a per team basis, so each team needs to set up their own connection to their desired channel.
How do I set up WorkerB Team Alerts?
In order to connect Slack to LinearB, click on the gear icon in the top right of the app, then click Company Settings (for free users, click Team Settings) and navigate to the Slack tab. Find the team for which you want to set up WorkerB Team Alerts , click Connect.

Select which Slack channel you'd like to receive notifications, and click Save. Upon clicking save, a message will post in the selected public channel. This will give you and your team members an easy way to set up WorkerB Personal Alerts and Commands - all they have to do is click Sign me up!

How do I manage WorkerB Team Alerts?
Customize Your Team Alerts
You can adjust the types of alerts that are sent as well as the thresholds for triggering alerts from the Notifications tab under Team Settings. There are two different ways to get there:
- Via Company Settings: Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the app, then select Company Settings. From there, navigate to the Slack tab and click the Edit Notifications button to the right of the LinearB team whose Team Alerts you want to customize. This method is illustrated below.
- Via Team Settings: Select the team whose alerts you want to customize in any area of the app (in most screens you make this selection in the top left corner). Click the cog in the top right corner of the app, then select [Team Name] Settings. From there, navigate to the Notifications tab.
From here, you can use the toggles under Slack to determine which alerts will be sent to Slack. Note: Alerts that you don't send to Slack will still appear in the Notifications area in your LinearB dashboard. You can also adjust the thresholds that trigger each alert by clicking the Edit this link below each alert description.
Types of Team Alerts
Here is a helpful list of Team Alerts available and their default settings:
Work at risk: Notifies the channel about branches with more than 100 code changes and a rework or refactor above 50%
Merged without review: Notifies the channel about pull requests that were merged with no review with more than 20 changes
Merged with basic review: Notifies the channel about pull requests that were merged with more than 20 code changes, with a review time below 20 minutes
Review request hanging: Notifies the channel about pull requests that have been waiting to be reviewed for more than 3 days
Long review: Notifies the channel about reviews that are taking more than 4 days
Daily digest: Notifies the channel daily about your most active story, stuck work, and pull requests with a lot of discussion.
Update Team Alert Settings
Updating WorkerB Team Alert settings for a particular team can be done from either Company Settings --> Slack or Team Settings --> Slack. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the app to get to either settings page.

In both the Company and Team Slack settings areas, you're able to turn all Team Alerts for a specific team on or off and change the Slack channel where LinearB sends these alerts. Just use the status toggle to turn alerts on or off and the pencil icon next to the Slack channel name to change the channel. Clicking the pencil icon will open the channel selection dialog, where you will simply select the new channel for the team and click Save.

How do I interact with WorkerB Team Alerts?
Once WorkerB Team Alerts are set up, you will start to receive real-time alerts when delivery and quality risk events are detected to the Slack channel you designated.

The alert will include details about the branch/pull request that triggered the alert and three ways to take action:
Go to the branch/PR on Git
Clicking the name of the branch/pull request will take you to the specific branch/pull request page in your Git provider.What should I do?
Clicking on the What should I do? button will take you to a help article that specifies the different actions LinearB recommends you take in order to mitigate the type of risk specified in the alert.See all
Clicking on this button will take you to the LinearB dashboard, which will display all the other events of the same type that are currently relevant.
Where can I learn more?
Check out our blog post for more details on WorkerB here! WorkerB Developer Automation From LinearB
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How did we do?
How do I connect LinearB to a private Slack channel?
How do I set up WorkerB Personal Alerts and Commands?