Table of Contents
How do I set up WorkerB Personal Alerts and Commands?
How to - Set up personal slack alerts. Personal slack alerts require the organization account to be connected to Slack. To learn more about how to connect the organization account to Slack see this a…
What are WorkerB Personal Alerts and Commands?
WorkerB Personal Alerts allow you to receive direct alerts in Slack when your PRs are assigned, changed, received a comment (GitLab only), or have been approved. Setting up Personal Alerts also grants you access to Personal Commands, which allow you to use a variety of slash commands to instantly pull a list of your current PRs, updates, reviews, and more without leaving Slack!
How do I set WorkerB Personal Alerts and Commands?
Type /lb connect
anywhere in Slack to connect to WorkerB
To use WorkerB Personal Alerts and Commands, your organization's LinearB admin must have already connected LinearB to Slack by setting up WorkerB Team Alerts.
Once LinearB is connected to Slack at the organization level, it's time to connect your individual Slack handle to LinearB. To do so, simply use one of our LinearB Slack commands. Try typing /lb connect
to yourself in a DM. If you're not already connected, you'll receive a reply that looks like this:
Clicking on the Let's do it! button will send you to LinearB and prompt you to authenticate through your Git account.
After authenticating with your Git provider, LinearB will connect your Git account to your personal Slack handle and you can see what all the buzz is about! 🐝
What alerts will I receive?
You will automatically start to receive alerts in Slack for the following updates to your pull requests:
Pull Request Reviewer
An alert for when you are assigned a pull request, or are assigned as a reviewer.
Pull Request Change Request / Comments
An alert is sent when comments are added or a change is requested to your pull request.
Pull Request Approvals
An alert is sent when your pull request is approved 🎉
CI Checks Passed
If one or a set of CI checks that are performed by your CI tool and reported back to your Git provider are completed successfully.
CI Checks Failed
If one of your CI checks performed by your CI tool and reported back to your Git provider fails, LinearB informs you in real-time about the failed checks and includes you a link to the failed checks for you to review.
How do I customize which alerts I receive?
WorkerB Personal Alerts can be edited by using the /lb pref
What slash commands can I use?
Once connected, you can start using WorkerB Personal Commands in Slack to perform the following actions in any channel. We have a deep-dive into each command here: How to use Slack commands
/lb invite
invite your team mates!
/lb help
display this help message
/lb updates
display all your pr updates
/lb reviews
display all your pr reviews
/lb prs
display all open pull requests issued by you
/lb prs long
display all open long living prs
/lb prs done
display all done prs
/lb pref
customize your personal notification preferences
/lb unlink
unlink your current Slack user from your LinearB user
Where can I learn more?
Check out our blog post for more details on WorkerB here! WorkerB Developer Automation From LinearB
Wanna bee a part of the conversation? Join us in our Discord channel!
How did we do?
How do I connect and manage WorkerB Team Alerts?
How to Connect WorkerB to Microsoft Teams