Table of Contents
Connecting WorkerB to a MS Teams channel
Connecting WorkerB to a MS Teams channel. You will first need to install WorkerB in your MS Teams application. Instructions to do so can be found here: How to Connect WorkerB to Microsoft Teams. Go t…
Connecting WorkerB to a MS Teams channel
Go to the WorkerB app and type “link team” OR "link team -s"
What's the difference? Both walk you through the connection process, adding the -s variable will allow you to utilize MS Teams search when selecting your team channel. This is helpful if your organization has a large number of MS Teams channels.
Choose a LinearB team and a MS Team and press next.

Choose your MS Teams channel and press next.
Make sure to check the "invite team members" checkbox to send invites to all your team members to configure their WorkerB personal alerts.

Success! In the connected Teams channel, you will see the following alert.

Your team channel will receive a welcome notification, and a personal invite if they've

Customizing WorkerB team alerts
Once connected, you can access your team alerts settings by going to Company Settings > Microsoft Teams > Edit notifications.

WorkerB alerts, for both Slack and Teams, can be managed from your LinearB team settings page. You can read more on configuring these alerts here: How Do I Manage and Customize Notifications?
What notifications can I receive in MS Teams channels?
We currently have 6 notifications that indicate either a quality risk or delivery risk.
- Work at risk: Now, users can customize the pull request size from above 20 lines to above 200 lines. You can also monitor for pull requests that are reworking or refactoring over a certain percent of a branches code.
- Default = 100 lines of code AND over 50% rework/refactor
- Pull Request merged without review: Receive a notification when a pull request with a set number of changes is merged without review. You can set this as low as 0, and as high as 50 code changes.
- Default = over 20 code changes
- Merged with basic review: Listen for pull requests that are merged with a very short review time.
- Default = PR with over 20 changes AND merged in under 20 minutes
- Review request hanging: Catch pull requests that haven't been picked up! You can set the alert as short as 1/2 of a day, or as long as 6 days.
- Default = above 3 days
- Long review: Receive an alert when a review is taking too long. Can be configured between 0.5 days and 6 days.
- Default = above 4 days
- Daily Digest: Get notified daily about issues that have a large number of code changes, stuck work, and highly commented pull requests. You can designate what time of day this daily alert is sent by clicking on the General tab and setting a time for your daily meeting. You can read more about daily digests here: What is a Daily Digest?
- Default = Issues with over 100 code changes OR pull requests with more than 6 comments
How did we do?
Connecting WorkerB for MS Teams Individual Users
How Do I Connect LinearB To Slack?