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Bitbucket (Cloud) Connection Guide

LinearB allows you to connect your BitBucket Cloud account seamlessly.

Steven Silverstone
Updated by Steven Silverstone

When adding a Bitbucket integration in LinearB, ensure that you select the correct type of account:

  • Bitbucket Cloud – Connects to Bitbucket’s hosted cloud platform.
  • Bitbucket Server (On-Prem) – Requires an on-premise setup with self-hosted repositories. Refer to our Bitbucket Server Connection Guide for specific setup instructions.

Follow the steps below to establish the connection.

1. Select Bitbucket Cloud as Your Git Provider

  1. Navigate to Settings > Company Settings, and select the Git tab.
  2. Click Add Integration.
  3. Select Bitbucket Cloud from the list of available Git providers.
  1. Click Continue to login and connect LinearB to your Bitbucket account. After signing in to your Bitbucket account you will be asked to Grant Access to LinearB.
  2. Click Grant Access to continue your sign up.
  3. You will receive a second login request (the first creates your LinearB username; the second connects your Git account).

3. Adding Multiple Git Connections (Paid Accounts Only)

For users with paid LinearB plans, admins can add multiple Git connections:

  1. Go to Account Settings > Git.
  2. Click Add Connection and follow the prompts to link additional Git providers.

4. Add Bitbucket Repositories

  1. Once connected, navigate to your Bitbucket integration.
  2. Click Add Repositories.
  3. Select the repositories you want to connect (only unlinked repositories will be available for selection).
  4. Click Save Repositories.

For additional support, visit our Support Page.

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BitBucket Server (On-Prem) Connection Guide

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