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Connect Azure Repos Using a Personal Access Token

LinearB allows you to integrate Azure Repos with your account using a Personal Access Token (PAT).

Steven Silverstone
Updated by Steven Silverstone

Follow the steps below to complete the connection.

1. Generate a Personal Access Token in Azure DevOps

To connect Azure Repos, you first need to create a Personal Access Token in Azure DevOps:

  1. Navigate to Azure DevOps and sign in.
  2. Click on your User Settings (top right corner) and select Personal Access Tokens.
  3. Click + New Token.
  4. Provide a descriptive name for the token.
  5. Set an appropriate expiration date.
  6. Assign the following permissions:
    • User Profile: Read (vso.profile)
    • Project and Team: Read (vso.project)
    • Code: Read (vso.code)
    • Build: Read (
    • Graph: Read (vso.graph)
  7. Click Create and copy the token securely (it will not be viewable again).

For further details, refer to Azure DevOps PAT Documentation.

2. Connect Azure Repos to LinearB

Once you have generated a Personal Access Token (PAT), you can integrate it with LinearB:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Company Settings, and select the Git tab.
  2. Click Add Integration.
  3. Select Azure DevOps  as your source control provider.
  1. Enter the name of your organization.
  2. Paste your Personal Access Token (PAT) into the required field.
  3. Click Connect, and LinearB will begin processing your Azure Repos data.

3. Troubleshooting and Support

  • Ensure the PAT has the correct permissions.
  • Verify that you are an organization owner or have the required Project Collection Administrator permissions in Azure DevOps.
  • If you encounter issues, contact LinearB Support or join our Dev Interrupted Discord Server for discussions on Git and DevOps.

For additional support, visit our HelpDocs Support Page.

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