Table of Contents
Jira server (on-prem) connection guide
LinearB unifies analytics from engineering and project management sources. To realize the full value of LinearB, connect your Jira instance. This can be done while LinearB is analyzing your git repos…
LinearB unifies analytics from engineering and project management sources. To realize the full value of LinearB, connect your Jira instance. This can be done while LinearB is analyzing your git repositories.
Connect Your Jira Account
To connect Jira, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of your page, and select Team Settings. Next click on Projects.
Select Jira :)
Enter your organization's Jira server
Place your Jira server URL under Step 1
The wizard confirms that the URL is valid, accessible and that the Jira server version is valid
If one of the connectivity tests fails the user will get an appropriate error message. Re-enter your server name, or confirm LinearB's IP address is whitelisted and click Test Connection to resolve most issues. Reach out to our support team via email or the chat box at the bottom of this page if you have any issues.
IP Whitelisting
In order for LinearB to be able to access your private network, you will need to add LinearB’s public IP addresses as whitelisted sources in your network firewall.
- LinearB’s public IP addresses:
- Inbound:
- Outbound (to allow your Jira server to reach
- Inbound:
Rate Limiting
When rate limiting is enabled on your JIRA instance, the rate limit configuration which LinearB recommends is 120 requests per minute.
Create an OAuth application in Jira
Once a valid URL is added to LinearB, follow the instructions in LinearB to create an OAuth application on your Jira server.
Authorize the LinearB application and confirm the connection is working in Jira. LinearB will now analyze your Jira instance in addition to your code repositories.
Learn More
You can learn more about utilizing Jira metrics on our blog.
You can chat with out team about Jira and anything else on our Discord channel!
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Jira (cloud) connection guide