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WorkerB Team Notifications

LinearB can notify you about potential development issues such as: work at risk, work merged without review, work merged with only basic reviews, a hanging review request, a long review, and even send you a daily digest of these issues.

Team Goal Notifications

Pull Request Size

Reducing the size of your pull requests ensures quicker and more efficient code reviews, and increases the likelihood of safe and/or easier-to-restore deployments.

Heads up alerts will notify your team when a PR has been opened (or made live from draft status) with more code changes than agreed upon.

Notifications will alert your team when a PR is merged with more code changes than agreed upon.

Report over these metrics in your Team Goals dashboard to see what percent of pull requests are merged which met your goal.

Pull Request Pickup Time

Pick up reviews quickly in order to keep your code moving towards deployment swiftly and to allow reviewers and coders to address any needed changes before they are preoccupied with new assignments.

Heads up alerts will notify your team when an open PR has been waiting for review longer than your goal pickup deadline.

Notifications will alert your team when a PR has been merged after being unreviewed for longer than your goal pickup time.

Report over these metrics in your Team Goals dashboard to see what percent of pull requests are being picked up in your goal time frame.

Pull Request Review Time

Thorough code reviews can take time, however, if a review is taking too long it may need a second set of eyes, or a quick reminder to the team not to let it fall through the cracks.

Heads up alerts will notify your team when a PR has been in review for longer than your agreed time frame.

Notifications will alert your team when a PR has been merged after being in review longer than desired.

Report over these metrics in your Team Goals dashboard to see what percent of pull requests are taking longer than desired to review.

Pull Request Lifecycle

Monitor the full lifecycle of a code review, from submission to merge.

Heads up alerts when a PR has been in open (both in pickup and review) longer than your goal time frame.

Notifications when a PR has been merged after being active longer than desired.

Report over these metrics in your Team Goals dashboard to see what percent of pull requests are taking longer than desired to review.

Pull Requests Merged without Review

Code merged without review has a higher chance of causing a bug or system failure.

Notifications will alert the team when a PR has been merged without review.

Report over these metrics in your Team Goals dashboard to see what percent of pull requests are merged without review.

Pull Requests Merged with Basic Review

Receive notifications when PRs with a larger number of code changes are merged in too short a time frame to be well-reviewed. Edit the number of code changes and the length of time which trigger this alert.

Notifications alert the team when a PR is merged with a basic review.

Report over these metrics in your Team Goals dashboard to see what percent of pull requests are merged with a basic review.

High Risk Work

High-risk work alerts can alert to PRs that edit a large amount of existing code. Changes to existing code should be thoroughly reviewed to avoid causing production issues or unintentionally breaking other parts of your code-base. Edit the number of code changes and the percentage of rework that triggers this alert.

Heads up notifications alert when a PR is opened with a high degree of rework.

Notifications alert the team when a PR with a high degree of reworked code is merged.

Report over these metrics in your Team Goals dashboard to see what percent of pull requests are considered high risk.

Daily Digest

Notifies daily about your most active story, stuck work, and pull requests with a lot of discussion. You can read more about daily digests here: What is a Daily Digest?

You can customize the time this alert is sent, and also the number of code changes and comments that the alert displays. Click the Edit this link below this alert to customize.

All of these alerts can be customized, learn more here: How Do I Manage and Customize Notifications?

How did we do?

WorkerB Mentions Notifications
