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WorkerB Mentions Notifications

You can receive direct message notifications via Slack or MS Teams when other teammates tag you in comments on GitHub. How does it work? This alert will fire when a user is tagged in a comment inside…

Pavel Vaks
Updated by Pavel Vaks

You can receive direct message notifications via Slack or MS Teams when other teammates tag you in comments on GitHub.

How does it work?

This alert will fire when a user is tagged in a comment inside a PR via the git provider. Users who have enabled WorkerB will receive a DM from the @LinearB Bot with the comment content  (<100 words), a link to the Pull Request, and who tagged them in the comment.

Users can update their preferences and disable receiving these direct messages by unchecking the “Comment mention on pull requests” in the menu using the /lb pref command.

/lb pref

How did we do?

WorkerB Inline Approval

WorkerB Team Notifications
