Where is work occurring in your current iteration?
Pulse Alerts. Pulse alerts notify users about issues that are delayed due to: Review request has not been picked up for a long time Pull request is in review for a long time. Hover over these alerts…
Pulse Retroactive View. Clicking on the iteration filter at the top of your Pulse page will allow you to select previous iterations and receive a detailed report of your activity in that week or spri…
Pulse naming conventions - Jira. Shortcut naming conventions LinearB matches Git work to Jira issues. In order to match branches to issues, the LinearB matching algorithm needs branches and pull requ…
Pulse naming conventions - Shortcut. Jira Naming conventions LinearB matches Git work to Shortcut issues. In order to match branches to issues, the LinearB matching algorithm needs branches and pull…
Understanding the Pulse View. Pulse view takes all PM (Jira or Shortcut) issues that are part of a team's current iteration and combines these issues with the actual Git activity occurring on branche…