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Throughput Metrics

Throughput Metrics. Code Changes. Code changes is a metric aggregating the total lines of code that were added or changed by the team or the individual. Code changes add up all the changes that were…

Throughput Metrics

Code Changes

Code changes is a metric aggregating the total lines of code that were added or changed by the team or the individual. Code changes add up all the changes that were made in each one of the commits made during the selected time frame.


Commits is a metric that aggregates all the available commits pushed by the team or the individual across all the relevant branches in all the repositories scanned by LinearB, during the selected time frame.

Pull Requests Opened

Pull requests open is a metric that aggregates all the available pull requests issued by the team or the individual in all the repositories scanned by LinearB, during the selected time frame.

Pull Requests Merged

Pull requests merged is a metric that aggregates all the available pull requests merged by the team or the individual in all the repositories scanned by LinearB, during the selected time frame.


Reviews is a metric that aggregates all the available reviews that were done on open pull requests by team member/s in all the repositories scanned by LinearB, during the selected time frame.


Releases is a metric that aggregates all the available releases detected by LinearB (based on the release detection methodology) in all the repositories scanned by LinearB, during the selected time frame.

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