Wellness workload

Wellness workload  


This view provides insight into context switches and cognitive load–both key considerations for developer productivity and great DevEx. This view is responsive to the date selector at the top of the page, formats the graph automatically, and presents the data by branch or by issue. This view provides great data into what a developer is working on and their ability to focus, complete work, and move on to the next thing. 


Success here is when each column is limited to 2-3 different colors (indicating branches or focus area) and those different colors are contained to a single column (meaning completion and moving on to the next task). There should also be a balanced distribution of work on new features, enhancements, and keeping the lights on (like bugs). Use this view together with Allocation, Investment Strategy, and Delivery to ensure balanced workloads that provide a great DevEx while also fulfilling the needs of the business.

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