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Top Coding Languages in Developer Coaching
Understand which programming languages developers use most, with icons and percentages that bring clarity to technical strengths, stack focus, and coaching opportunities.
The Top Coding Languages section in LinearB’s Developer Coaching feature shows a developer’s primary programming languages based on Git activity over the past six months. This visual summary helps engineering leaders understand a developer’s technical focus, language fluency, and growth opportunities—at a glance

How It Works
LinearB analyzes each developer’s Git activity—including commits, code changes, and pull requests—and ranks the top three programming languages by lines of code added, removed, or modified.
- Icons for each language are displayed alongside the percentages, making it easy to quickly identify JavaScript, Go, Python, and other familiar technologies.
- The data reflects the last six months and updates automatically as developers work across different repositories.
- Percentages represent a relative distribution of language usage based on total Git activity.

Why It Matters
Understanding the languages a developer works in most helps:
✅ Identify technical strengths and specializations
✅ Plan for project staffing based on actual code activity
✅ Guide career development and cross-skilling
✅ Enable better mentoring and collaboration across the team

Use Cases for Engineering Leaders
- Spot frontend vs. backend focus using language patterns
- Support career growth by identifying underused or emerging languages
- Facilitate pairing between team members with complementary strengths
- Balance language knowledge within and across teams

Tip: Use Language Mix to Infer Stack Focus
A developer’s language breakdown can offer clues about their role in the stack:
- Frontend-heavy developers often work in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, or CSS
- Backend-focused contributors may show higher usage of Go, Python, C++, or Java
- Full stack developers typically exhibit a balanced mix across both ends
Combined with Knowledge Areas, this view helps leaders better understand team distribution and strategically expand capabilities.

Example View
Developer A:
C++ – 72%
Python – 12%
Swift – 5%
The language icons alongside each percentage make it easy to visually scan and interpret a developer’s focus areas.

Combine with Knowledge Areas for Full Context
Use Top Coding Languages with Knowledge Areas to gain deeper insight into:
- Where developers are contributing (repositories)
- What technologies they’re using to do it (languages)

Related Resources
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Knowledge Areas in Developer Coaching
Wellness Workload in Developer Coaching