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Add Additional Repositories to LinearB

Add additional repositories to LinearB.

Steven Silverstone
Updated by Steven Silverstone
Only users with admin permissions can add repositories to LinearB.

Adding additional repositories to LinearB is a straightforward process that enhances your visibility into team activity. To maximize the value of LinearB, we recommend adding as many repositories as possible.

To add additional repositories to LinearB:

  1. In the LinearB side menu, click Settings to open the Company Settings window.
  2. Navigate to the Git tab.
  3. Add repositories:
    1. Locate your existing Git connection.
    2. Click Add Repositories. (Repositories already monitored by LinearB will be greyed out.)
  4. In the Select repositories for your team pop-up do the following:
    1. Choose individual repositories or click the Select all available repositories to add all active repositories.
    2. Click Save Repositories.
  5. View the updated data:
    LinearB will immediately start scanning the newly added repositories. The data from these repositories will appear in your dashboards within a few minutes.
If you're using GitHub, leverage the Auto-Monitoring feature to automatically track new repositories as they are created. This ensures your team’s activity is always up-to-date, eliminating the need for manual updates and saving valuable time..

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Enable Real-Time Connections in LinearB
