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Auto-monitoring GitHub or GitLab repos

This feature requires admin permissions in LinearB. If your organization uses GitHub or GitLab as your code host, you can configure LinearB to auto-monitor new repositories as they're added to your o…

This feature requires admin permissions in LinearB

If your organization uses GitHub or GitLab as your code host, you can configure LinearB to auto-monitor new repositories as they're added to your organization. This allows their data to be synced in to LinearB's metrics platform automatically, rather than requiring manual configuration.

Configuring repo detection

First, go to your company settings and open the Git settings tab. Then, select the three dot menu next to "add repositories" and select "monitoring rules":

That should bring you to the Monitoring Rules page. First, you'll want to define a regular expression for which repositories should be added in when they are detected. If you want every new repository added, you can enter .*.

Remember that your token needs to have access to the new repositories that you intend to add. If it doesn't, they won't be detected for consumption by LinearB.

If there are any repos that should not be auto-added even if they match your first regex (for example, documentation repos) add a regular expression to describe them, as well.

Finally, select which repository visibility levels you wish to monitor: private, internal, and/or public.

Finally, select the orgs you wish to include or exclude from the auto-monitoring (GitHub only). If you wish to exclude an organization and all of its repos from detection, you can uncheck it in the list that appears below.

Click save once you're comfortable with your detection patterns and organizations.

Allow approximately 24 hours for newly-added repositories to show in-app. If they're not showing after that point, feel free to reach out to our support team.

Next steps

Once you're syncing your git data to LinearB, you'll want to make sure to add your PM tooling data, as well. Follow these steps to configure your PM tool.

Adding new orgs

New GitHub orgs will not be auto-synced to LinearB. For these orgs to be monitored, you'll need to manually select them in the monitoring settings following the steps above.

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