How do I use WorkerB Slack commands?

How to use Slack commands

Slack commands help individual developers to easily access information about their work or work that is assigned to them. With Slack commands, developers can save time and effort every morning and during the day and see the latest status, and the latest activity on each PR they are working on and each review that is assigned to them.

The following commands are available

/lb invite

Invite any Slack teammate to use WorkerB. There is no limit to the number of people you can invite!

/lb help

Show the list and short explanation of all the available slack commands

/lb updates

This command provides the developer a summarized list of all the latest PRs that were recently updated. This list will include PRs that I am the owner of as well as PRs that are waiting for my review and PRs that I'm reviewing. Each PR will show the state of the PR, the last activity on the PR, and the owner (where relevant).

/lb reviews

This command provides the developer a summarized list of all the latest PRs that are waiting for my review and PRs that I'm reviewing. Each PR will show the state of the PR, the last activity on the PR, and the owner of the PR.

/lb prs

This command provides the developer a summarized list of all the latest PRs that s/he is opened and are still in active state. the last activity on the PR, and the state of the PR.

/lb prs long

This command provides the developer a summarized list of all the PRs that s/he is opened and are active for a very long time.

/lb prs done

This command provides the developer a summarized list of all the latest PRs that s/he is opened and were recently either merged or merged and released

/lb pref

This command allows the developer to control her personal notification and provides an interface to opt-in/opt-out from each one of the available notifications.

This command allows the developer to unlink her slack handle from LinearB and in fact disconnect her slack account from LinearB disconnecting from both LinearB Slack commands as well as LinearB personal notifications.

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