Pull Request Filters
High Interaction Pull Requests. High interaction pull requests are pull requests that has many comments in the review cycle. High number of comments during a review might indicate on one of optional…
Lightning Pull Requests. Lightning pull requests are pull requests that were merged very short time after its review started. Lightning pull requests may indicate that the review was superficial whic…
Long Living Pull Requests. Long living pull requests are pull requests that were created very long time ago and still not merged. Long living pull requests might indicate work that is waiting very lo…
Merged Without Review. Pull request merged without review refers to all the pull requests that were either merged with no review at all, or pull requests that were selfed reviewed. Pull requests that…
Merged in Iteration. Merged in <Iteration> displays all the pull requests that were merged during this iteration. PR State: Merged Merged between: <First day of the iteration> - <Last day of the iter…
Pull Request State. There are 4 possible states for pull requests: Initiated - A pull request that was opened but no one started to review it yet In Review - One or more persons started to review the…
Review Request Hanging. Review request hanging refers to all the pull request that were created more than 3 days ago, yet, the review process on those pull requests haven't started on them. This type…
Updated in Iteration. Updated in <Iteration> displays all the pull requests that were updated during this iteration. The actions on pull requests that are considered updates are: new review, comment,…