Explanations about the branches filters
Branch State. There are 5 possible states for branches: Active - Active branches are branches that were updated in the last 7 days. This means that the last commit (which was not a merge commit) occu…
Carryover from Iteration. Carryover from <Iteration> displays all the tasks (e.g. branches) that were not completed during the iteration and continues to be active after the iteration ends. You can c…
Done in Iteration. Done in <Iteration> displays all the tasks (e.g. branches) that were completed in this iteration. Since customers have different perceptions for the 'definition of done' this state…
High Interaction Pull Requests. High interaction pull requests are pull requests that has many comments in the review cycle. High number of comments during a review might indicate on one of optional…
High Rework. High rework refers to all the branches that contain high level of code changes and high level of rework. The rework level of a branch is affected by the total code changes introduced in…
High Risk. High risk work refers to all the branches that contain high level of code changes and high level of rework or refactor. The risk level of a branch is affected by the total code changes int…