How do I exclude branches from my dashboards?

How To Exclude Branches Globally

To review and edit your excluded branches, go to Company Settings > Advanced tab. Scroll down to the "Exclude Branches" section. Using regular expressions, you can add or remove repos from the excluded list. Any commits to repos found in the exclude branches section will not appear in your dashboards or reports.

How To Exclude Branches On Specific Repos

If you have specific branches in a repo you would like to exclude or to overwrite and include, you can edit an individual repos exclusion rules by going to Company Settings > Git > click on the gear icon next to your repo.

You'll be taken to a settings page with an "Exclude Branches" section for that specific repo. Changes made on that page will overwrite global exclusion rules and apply to that specific branch.

How To Exclude One Specific Branch

Individual branches which may be outliers can be manually excluded by Admins or Editors by clicking on the three dots to the right of any branch visible in the Activity Tab. Manually excluded branches will display an orange dot next to the cycle time calculation. If a branch has been automatically excluded as an outlier, it will not be able to be excluded manually.

Manually excluded branches can be returned to your cycle time metrics by clicking the three dots again, and selecting "Cancel branch exclusion".

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